Tabula Sunday January 19 2025, 13H00 Who we are | Recent postingsAbba John the Less used to say, 'Humility and the fear of God are more excellent than all the [other J virtues.'
St. Pontianus | St. Fillan | St. Henry of Sweden | St. Henry of Uppsala | St. Arcontius | St. Arsenius | St. Bassian | St. Wulfstan | St. Canute IV | St. Catellus of Castellamore | St. Contentius | St. Firminus | St. Germanicus of Smyrna | St. Henry of Uppsala | St. Remigius | Bl. Nathalan | St. Paul, Gerontius and Companions | St. Pontian | St. Germanicus of Smyrna | St. Henry | St. Absadah | St. Beshada (Abshadius, Psote) | St. Macarius the Great of Alexandria | St. Tomasso da Cori
The intentions of the Pope for the month of January