Who we are Friday April 26 2024, 21H30
Feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel
Titulus Própriæ Ecclésiæ Sollemnitas.
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A hunter in the desert saw Abba Antony enjoying himself with the brothers, and he was shocked. Wanting to show him that it was necessary sometimes to meet the needs of the brothers, the old man said to him, "Put an arrow in your bow and shoot it. " So he did. And the old man said, "Shoot another," and he did so. Then the old man said, "Shoot yet again," and the hunter replied, "If I bend my bow so much, I will break it. " Then the old man said to him, "It is the same with the work of God. If we stretch the brothers beyond measure, they will soon break. Sometimes it is necessary to come down to meet their needs. "

  • International Fellowship of Saint Bruno - Facebook group
  • Carthusian Spirituality
  • Thomas Aquinas' Big Pile of Straw
  • Memorandum
  • How to get started
  • The Quies SBPCLC 5 steps commitment to the 11 guidelines is founded in sanctifying grace, which is the Life in us of the Most Holy Trinity
  • Quies is the fruit of being continually in the Presence, Love and  Will of God, living with and in the personal intimate friendship with the person of the Lord Jesus-Christ, a grace we personally and collectively aspire and feel called to fulfill as lay faithful, essentially guided by Saint Bruno's desert fathers spirituality: being with Christ.

Q: "What does one learn in the desert?"
Father Mina: "To have an authentic sincere Love towards Christ"
Q: "What experience of God do we make here?"
Father Mina: "We make the experience of the personal intimate friendship with the person of the Lord Jesus-Christ... The interior real lived sentiment of the intimacy with the Lord: I Am with you."
Q: "Thank you"
Father Mina was the first companion of Father Matta El-Maskine, one of the first 7 hermits of the Saint Macarius Monastery. He lives here in the manner of the first monks of the desert.
La lumière du désert vimeo_small.png